Cut-to-length line 1250x2mm x10t

Cut-to-length line 1250x2mm x10t can be perfect solution for your company if you have sheet metal or coil metal processing business. Our line can help you to cut coil metal into sheets of desired sizes with high performance and perfect quality. Coil metal is installed on decoiler and with help of feeding rolls gets to the levelling machine which makes metal to get flat form and after it can be cut with special flying shear. After cutting metal gets to acceptance part and depends on the part design can get to certain order. All line parts and components made from high quality steel with special CNC machines to provide high quality of product. Big team our engineers and technicians works to make design solutions well and maximum fit customers requests.
Line has following components:
– Decoiler of metal for 8-10 tons. As an option, it’s possible to make decoiler for 15t coils according to customer’s needs.
– Leveler to make coil metal flat. Machine is equipped with 7 pairs of rolls to make quality of outgoing product perfectly.
– -Flying shear to cut metal into sheets of 1250mm maximum width and 2mm metal thickness.
– Acceptance table for metal sheets up to 3000mm length. As an option machine can be equipped with special magnetic moving support for stainless steel and special stacker
Cut to length line can work with galvanized steel, stainless steel, cold rolled steel, coated steel etc.
To get more information about our cut-to-length line please contact our sales department

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